Halo 5 Forge, the free Hao 5 map making tool on Windows, has gotten a huge update, one that effectively makes it a free multiplayer game.
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While mostly used to create maps, Halo 5 forge also offered players the ability to “test” maps in Windows with other players. This involved a bit of trickery as players needed to invite each other manually to host matches. With the new custom search features players can now search for current matches and join them which basically turns it into a server browser of sorts.
The update and Halo 5 Forge are of course free on the Windows 10 Store. Oddly enough Microsoft hasn’t really commented on this making it seem like sort of a surprise for Halo fans on PC. Halo 1, Halo Online (3), and now Halo 5 means that PC players have a decent choice of Halo games to play online with each other.