Rash Bandicoot

Fan Remakes X-Wing Using Unity Engine

While watching the climactic battle of Rogue One I couldn’t shake the nostalgic feeling of wanting to jump into an X-Wing and blast some Tie Fighters. Classic PC flight sim X-Wing and Tie Fighter was the cure for that itch but needless to say we want a new one!

One fan has managed to give us a glimpse of what a new X-Wing could look like if made in today’s graphics. Keep in mind this is made by one guy because he couldn’t get his favorite Mac version to work.

This is still in prototype stage and for all we know it may never be released (especially if Disney or EA decides to throw a C&D).

X-Wing and mostly Tie Fighter are often considered to be one of the best PC games of all time and for good reason. It had great atmosphere and setting that captured the original trilogy like no other Star Wars game except a few (Dark Forces). Most of the recent games like Battlefront do a good job in the presentation department but us fans all want a new entry in the space sim. Throw in VR support and we’re looking at THE Star Wars game we’ve been years to play.